2025 Football Tournament


Be sure to check the correct age group is selected and proceed to register and pay.

Registrations are not guaranteed until payment has been received, and our club secretary has been in touch to confirm your registration.

Each age group will consist of 10 Teams on a first come first served basis.

Upon initial registration, our club secretary will be in touch to send you the full team registration form that will need to be completed by May 2025.

SKU: 2025_tournament Category:

Leominster Town FC Junior Festival of Football

Saturday 21st June (AM)
(9.30am KO)
U7 Boys (7v7)
U9 Boys (7v7)
U11 Boys (7v7)

Saturday 22nd June (PM)
(2pm KO)
U13 Boys (7v7)
U13 Girls (7v7)

Sunday 23rd June (AM)
(9.30am KO)
U8 Boys (7v7)
U10 Boys (7v7)
U12 Boys (7v7)

Sunday 23rd June (PM)
(2pm KO)
U14 Boys (7v7)
U14 Girls (7v7)

Leominster Town FC 2025 Festival of Football Rules

1. Registration will begin at 8.30am or no less than 30 minutes before kick off. Before the commencement of the competition each team will provide a team list of not more than the allocated amount of players. The list will include the full names of the
players and their date of birth as per the registration form filled in prior to the tournament.
2. It is in the interest of all concerned that players should play for the Club that they have signed on for the season 2024/2025.
a) For insurance purposes - difficulties may arise through injury or assault by players that were signed by a team during 2024/2025 season.
b) Difficulties may also arise when players are booked/sent off when not registered for the club they are playing for.
3. All players must be in their respective age limits as per the 2024/2025 season – as of 31.8.24.
4. Teams must be available for kick-off five minutes before the game to due to start.
5. Toss of a coin will decide which team kicks off.
6. In all cases where the referee decides there is a colour clash the first named team will provide bibs or a change of kit to the Referee’s approval.
7. a) If a player is sent off for infringement of laws of the game, he/she will automatically receive a one-match suspension.
b) If a player accumulates two cautions during the competition, he/she will automatically receive a one-match suspension.
c) If a player is sent off for violent conduct, they shall not take any further part in the competition.
8. For all teams the game shall consist of two teams of the allocated amount of players, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper may be changed for an outfield player provided the referee’s permission has been given.
9. A maximum of 12 players may be registered for each team.
10. During the game rolling substitutions will be allowed with the referee’s approval.
11. There will be no offside.
12. Corners will be taken as in a normal match. They will not count in the event of a match ending all square.
13. The competition will run on a league basis. There will be 2 groups per age category, the winners of each group will play each other in a final to decide overall Winners and Runner Up for that age category. Runners up of each group will play a 3rd/4th place play off match.
a) In the event of 2/3 teams in a group being equal, goal difference will apply.
b) Medals will be presented for all 2nd placings and trophy and medals for the winners of each age group.
14. The Under 7 and Under 8 Age groups will finish after groups have all played each their respective matches. All players Under 8 will be presented medals at the end of the group stage.
15. The duration of the game will be 12 minutes, except in circumstances.
16. The referee shall be the sole arbiter on points of dispute within the field of play and will be empowered to interpret the rules governing six-a-side football, bearing in mind the best interests of all parties concerned.
17. The only exceptions of the rules are the law of ‘association football’ and they shall then apply.
18. First named teams will be expected to provide a match ball.
19. In all matters arising, which are not specifically covered by these regulations, the competition organising committee shall be the sole judge.
20. Clubs may field players younger than a specific age group if they need to, in accordance with current HFA rules. Should any manager/club representative have a complaint regarding players registration it must be made prior to the competition and
supported by evidence.
21. No Academy or JPL players/teams are accepted at this tournament, only grassroots club players.
22. All rules are subject change on the day at the discretion of Leominster Town FC Management Committee.
23. Leominster Town F.C. Management Committee decisions are final.
Any further information required please email:
Clare Bray (club secretary) on clare.bray2019@outlook.com

Any further information required please email:
Clare Bray (club secretary) on clare.bray2019@outlook.com

Additional information

Select Age Group

Boys U7 – Sat AM, Boys U9 – Sat AM, Boys U11 – Sat AM, Boys U13 – Sat PM, Girls U13 – Sat PM, Boys U8 – Sun AM, Boys U10 – Sun AM, Boys U12 – Sun AM, Boys U14 – Sun PM, Girls U14 – Sun PM